Sponsors & Supporters

  • Supporters

  • Ministry of Education

  • Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

  • Ministry of Science and Technology

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  • Sponsors

  • The Architectural Society of China

  • International Society of Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings

  • Hunan University

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  • Co-sponsors

  • Architecture Institute of Japan

  • Korean Architectural Society

  • Singapore Institute of Architects

  • AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Center)

  • University of Ontario Institute of Technology

  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • Cloud River Urban Research Institute

  • China State Construction Engineering Corporation

  • Hunan Xiangjiang New Area

  • Organizers

  • National Center for International Research Collaboration in Building Safety and Environment (Hunan University) (NCIRCBSE-HNU), Ministry of Science of Technology, China

  • Institute of Sustainable Urbanization and Building Innovation, Hunan University (ISUBUI-HNU)

  • Journal of Building Energy and Environment (BEE), The Architectural Society of China (BEE-ASC)
